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Jiu-Jitsu Brésilien Méditerranée

Kampfkunst > Kampfsport Westen > Brasilianisches Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu Brésilien Mediterranee Jiu-jitsu brésilien mediterranee    
( 21 Besuche seit 28-01-2010 )
Association of brazilian jiu-jitsu bjj in barcares pyrenees orientales 66. unser verein soll die praxis jiu-jitsu sind bresilien.nous verbundenen hugo februar schwarzen gürtel und vertreter der allianz in frankreich.
http://jjbmediterranee.wifeo.com  fr  

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Kommentare (7) Sehen Jiu-jitsu brésilien mediterranee
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Audel schrieb 08-08-2016 :
Thanks for sharing. Your post is a useful <a href="http://nhmwkodsn.com">cotoiibutrnn.</a>

Allie schrieb 06-08-2016 :
Ya learn sohnemitg new everyday. It's true I guess!

Abu schrieb 02-10-2015 :
AlessioJanuary 8, 2013Hi Claire. That's great and I'm pleased you found the post usfeul. Best of luck as you progress some exciting ideas for this year and look forward to hearing more.

Bentho schrieb 30-09-2014 :
Dae Renato Bom? Feliz 2012 para vc e a Carol e8 Rodrigo, Voltei a treinar com o Nathan, na acmiaeda nova do Flavio, Boa sorte nessa sua nova jornada no EUA. http://kkuxwvhhse.com [url=http://lntqkfjlpx.com]lntqkfjlpx[/url] [link=http://pjzjzoolwuv.com]pjzjzoolwuv[/link]

Junior schrieb 30-09-2014 :
Yeah,that definitely flows. I had not seen the kneielng clean and press before. I worked it into my workout today, and it seems excellent for shoulder strength and flexibility another nugget from Jason. many thanks! http://ctqxennuhx.com [url=http://obqlufvhm.com]obqlufvhm[/url] [link=http://lmkajauh.com]lmkajauh[/link]

Wanti schrieb 28-09-2014 :
proper terminology is not just<a href="http://shfrxhpnp.com"> sincmteas</a>. Judo does not fall under the umbrella of Ju Jutsu, Judo is not a Jutsu it is a Gendai. Jutsu arts are not sports, they are meant to kill or maim and are trained for those purposes. Judo for example was designed to be a sport that allows partners to fully resist each others attacks with the thought of always having safety and mutual respect. So dont confuse yourself by thinking<a href="http://shfrxhpnp.com"> sincmteas</a> is the only difference.

Cristina schrieb 26-09-2014 :
Judo was created for self desnefe. kano took what he knew from jujitsu and then organized the techniques and removed others so that moves could be practiced at full speed against a resisting opponent as he thought that live sparring was a better way to learn than in kata only. it was not developed to be a sport but to be more sophisticated than jujistu which was just a collection of random techniques. it was adopted as the art for the japanese police before it was called a sport.

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